Source code for MyCapytain.resources.texts.base.tei

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: MyCapytain.resources.xml

Shared elements for TEI XmlCtsCitation

.. moduleauthor:: Thibault Clérice <>
from lxml.etree import tostring

from MyCapytain.common.constants import Mimetypes, XPATH_NAMESPACES
from MyCapytain.common.utils import xmlparser, nested_ordered_dictionary, nested_set, normalize
from MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.text import InteractiveTextualNode

[docs]class TEIResource(InteractiveTextualNode): """ TEI Encoded Resource :param resource: XML Resource that needs to be parsed into a CapitainsCtsPassage/CtsTextMetadata :type resource: Union[str,_Element] :cvar EXPORT_TO: List of exportable supported formats :cvar DEFAULT_EXPORT: Default export (Plain/CtsTextMetadata) """ EXPORT_TO = [ Mimetypes.PYTHON.ETREE, Mimetypes.XML.Std, Mimetypes.PYTHON.NestedDict, Mimetypes.PLAINTEXT, Mimetypes.XML.TEI ] DEFAULT_EXPORT = Mimetypes.PLAINTEXT PLAINTEXT_STRING_JOIN = " " def __init__(self, resource, **kwargs): super(TEIResource, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.resource = xmlparser(resource) self.__plaintext_string_join__ = ""+self.PLAINTEXT_STRING_JOIN @property def plaintext_string_join(self): """ String used to join xml node's texts in export """ return self.__plaintext_string_join__ @plaintext_string_join.setter def plaintext_string_join(self, value): """ Set the value for string join :param value: Default string value to use for join at export for plaintext :type value: str :return: """ self.__plaintext_string_join__ = value def __str__(self): """ CtsTextMetadata based representation of the passage :rtype: basestring :returns: XML of the passage in string form """ return self.export(output=Mimetypes.XML.Std) def __export__(self, output=Mimetypes.PLAINTEXT, exclude=None, _preformatted=False): """ CtsTextMetadata content of the passage :param output: Mimetype (From MyCapytian.common.utils.Mimetypes) to output :type output: str :param exclude: Remove some nodes from text :type exclude: list :param _preformatted: This parameter is used when export loops on itself :type _preformatted: boolean :rtype: basestring :returns: CtsTextMetadata of the xml node :Example: >>> P = CapitainsCtsPassage(resource='<l n="8">Ibis <note>hello<a>b</a></note> ab excusso missus in astra <hi>sago.</hi> </l>') >>> P.export(output=Mimetypes.PLAINTEXT) == "Ibis hello b ab excusso missus in astra sago. " >>> P.export(output=Mimetypes.PLAINTEXT, exclude=[]) == "Ibis hello b ab excusso missus in astra sago. " """ if exclude is None: exclude = self.default_exclude if len(exclude) > 0 and _preformatted is False: exclude = "[{0}]".format( " and ".join( "not(./ancestor-or-self::{0})".format(excluded) for excluded in exclude ) ) elif _preformatted is False: exclude = "" if output == Mimetypes.PYTHON.ETREE: # Exports the whole resource as a LXML object return self.resource elif output == Mimetypes.XML.Std or output == Mimetypes.XML.TEI: # Exports the whole resource formatted as XML but as string object return tostring(self.resource, encoding=str) elif output == Mimetypes.PYTHON.NestedDict: # Exports the whole resource into a NestedDict reffs = self.getReffs(level=len(self.citation)) text = nested_ordered_dictionary() for reff in reffs: _r = str(reff).split(".") # Only works for non range of course nested_set(text, _r, self.getTextualNode(_r).export( Mimetypes.PLAINTEXT, exclude=exclude, _preformatted=True )) return text elif output == Mimetypes.PLAINTEXT: # Exports to string return normalize( self.plaintext_string_join.join( [ element for element in self.resource.xpath( ".//descendant-or-self::text(){}".format(exclude), namespaces=XPATH_NAMESPACES, smart_strings=False ) ] ) ) @property def xml(self): """ XML Representation of the CapitainsCtsPassage :rtype: lxml.etree._Element :returns: XML element representing the passage """ return self.resource