Source code for MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.text

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: MyCapytain.resources.proto.text
   :synopsis: Prototypes for CitableText

.. moduleauthor:: Thibault Clérice <>

from six import text_type
from rdflib.namespace import DC
from rdflib import BNode, URIRef
from MyCapytain.common.reference import URN
from MyCapytain.common.reference._base import NodeId
from MyCapytain.common.reference._capitains_cts import Citation
from MyCapytain.common.metadata import Metadata
from MyCapytain.common.constants import Mimetypes, get_graph, RDF_NAMESPACES
from MyCapytain.common.base import Exportable
from MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.metadata import Collection

[docs]class TextualElement(Exportable): """ Node representing a text passage. :param identifier: Identifier of the text :type identifier: str :param metadata: Collection Information about the Item :type metadata: Collection :cvar default_exclude: Default exclude for exports """ default_exclude = [] def __init__(self, identifier=None, metadata=None): self.__graph__ = get_graph() self.__identifier__ = identifier self.__node__ = BNode() self.__metadata__ = metadata or Metadata(node=self.asNode()) self.__graph__.addN([ (self.__node__, RDF_NAMESPACES.DTS.implements, URIRef(identifier), self.__graph__)#, #(self.__node__, RDF_NAMESPACES.DTS.metadata, self.metadata.asNode(), self.__graph__) ]) def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, @property def graph(self): return self.__graph__ @property def text(self): """ String representation of the text :return: String representation of the text :rtype: text_type """ return self.export(output=Mimetypes.PLAINTEXT, exclude=self.default_exclude) @property def id(self): """ Identifier of the text :return: Identifier of the text :rtype: text_type """ return self.__identifier__ @property def metadata(self): """ Metadata information about the text :return: Collection object with metadata about the text :rtype: Metadata """ return self.__metadata__
[docs] def asNode(self): return self.__node__
[docs] def get_creator(self, lang=None): """ Get the DC Creator literal value :param lang: Language to retrieve :return: Creator string representation :rtype: Literal """ return self.metadata.get_single(key=DC.creator, lang=lang)
[docs] def set_creator(self, value, lang): """ Set the DC Creator literal value :param lang: Language in which the value is """ self.metadata.add(key=DC.creator, value=value, lang=lang)
[docs] def get_title(self, lang=None): """ Get the title of the object :param lang: Lang to retrieve :return: Title string representation :rtype: Literal """ return self.metadata.get_single(key=DC.title, lang=lang)
[docs] def set_title(self, value, lang=None): """ Set the DC Title literal value :param lang: Language in which the value is """ return self.metadata.add(key=DC.title, value=value, lang=lang)
[docs] def get_description(self, lang=None): """ Get the description of the object :param lang: Lang to retrieve :return: Description string representation :rtype: Literal """ return self.metadata.get_single(key=DC.description, lang=lang)
[docs] def set_description(self, value, lang=None): """ Set the DC Description literal value :param lang: Language in which the value is """ return self.metadata.add(key=DC.description, value=value, lang=lang)
[docs] def get_subject(self, lang=None): """ Get the subject of the object :param lang: Lang to retrieve :return: Subject string representation :rtype: Literal """ return self.metadata.get_single(key=DC.subject, lang=lang)
[docs] def set_subject(self, value, lang=None): """ Set the DC Subject literal value :param lang: Language in which the value is """ return self.metadata.add(key=DC.subject, value=value, lang=lang)
[docs] def export(self, output=None, exclude=None, **kwargs): """ Export the collection item in the Mimetype required. ..note:: If current implementation does not have special mimetypes, reuses default_export method :param output: Mimetype to export to (Uses MyCapytain.common.constants.Mimetypes) :type output: str :param exclude: Information to exclude. Specific to implementations :type exclude: [str] :return: Object using a different representation """ return Exportable.export(self, output, exclude=exclude, **kwargs)
[docs]class TextualNode(TextualElement, NodeId): """ Node representing a text passage. :param identifier: Identifier of the text :type identifier: str :param metadata: Collection Information about the Item :type metadata: Collection :param citation: XmlCtsCitation system of the text :type citation: Citation :param children: Current node Children's Identifier :type children: [str] :param parent: Parent of the current node :type parent: str :param siblings: Previous and next node of the current node :type siblings: str :param depth: Depth of the node in the global hierarchy of the text tree :type depth: int :cvar default_exclude: Default exclude for exports """ def __init__(self, identifier=None, citation=None, **kwargs): super(TextualNode, self).__init__(identifier=identifier, **kwargs) self.__citation__ = citation or Citation() @property def citation(self): """ XmlCtsCitation Object of the CtsTextMetadata :return: XmlCtsCitation Object of the CtsTextMetadata :rtype: Citation """ return self.__citation__ @citation.setter def citation(self, value): if not isinstance(value, Citation): raise TypeError("XmlCtsCitation property can only be a XmlCtsCitation object") self.__citation__ = value
[docs]class TextualGraph(TextualNode): """ Node representing a text passage. :param identifier: Identifier of the text :type identifier: str :param metadata: Collection Information about the Item :type metadata: Collection :param citation: XmlCtsCitation system of the text :type citation: Citation :param children: Current node Children's Identifier :type children: [str] :param parent: Parent of the current node :type parent: str :param siblings: Previous and next node of the current node :type siblings: str :param depth: Depth of the node in the global hierarchy of the text tree :type depth: int :param resource: Resource used to navigate through the textual graph :cvar default_exclude: Default exclude for exports """ def __init__(self, identifier=None, **kwargs): super(TextualGraph, self).__init__(identifier=identifier, **kwargs)
[docs] def getTextualNode(self, subreference): """ Retrieve a passage and store it in the object :param subreference: CtsReference of the passage to retrieve :type subreference: str or Node or CtsReference :rtype: TextualNode :returns: Object representing the passage :raises: *TypeError* when reference is not a list or a CtsReference """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def getReffs(self, level=1, subreference=None): """ CtsReference available at a given level :param level: Depth required. If not set, should retrieve first encountered level (1 based) :type level: Int :param passage: Subreference (optional) :type passage: CtsReference :rtype: [text_type] :returns: List of levels """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class InteractiveTextualNode(TextualGraph): """ Node representing a text passage. :param identifier: Identifier of the text :type identifier: str :param metadata: Collection Information about the Item :type metadata: Collection :param citation: XmlCtsCitation system of the text :type citation: Citation :param children: Current node Children's Identifier :type children: [str] :param parent: Parent of the current node :type parent: str :param siblings: Previous and next node of the current node :type siblings: str :param depth: Depth of the node in the global hierarchy of the text tree :type depth: int :param resource: Resource used to navigate through the textual graph :cvar default_exclude: Default exclude for exports """ def __init__(self, identifier=None, **kwargs): super(InteractiveTextualNode, self).__init__(identifier=identifier, **kwargs) self.__childIds__ = None @property def prev(self): """ Get Previous CapitainsCtsPassage :rtype: Passage """ if self.prevId is not None: return self.getTextualNode(self.prevId) @property def next(self): """ Get Next CapitainsCtsPassage :rtype: Passage """ if self.nextId is not None: return self.getTextualNode(self.nextId) @property def children(self): """ Children Passages :rtype: iterator(CapitainsCtsPassage) """ for ID in self.childIds: yield self.getTextualNode(ID) @property def parent(self): """ Parent CapitainsCtsPassage :rtype: Passage """ return self.getTextualNode(self.parentId) @property def first(self): """ First CapitainsCtsPassage :rtype: Passage """ if self.firstId is not None: return self.getTextualNode(self.firstId) @property def last(self): """ Last CapitainsCtsPassage :rtype: Passage """ if self.lastId is not None: return self.getTextualNode(self.lastId) @property def childIds(self): """ Identifiers of children :return: Identifiers of children :rtype: [str] """ if self.__childIds__ is None: self.__childIds__ = self.getReffs() return self.__childIds__ @property def firstId(self): """ First child of current CapitainsCtsPassage :rtype: str :returns: First passage node Information """ if self.childIds is not None: if len(self.childIds) > 0: return self.childIds[0] return None else: raise NotImplementedError @property def lastId(self): """ Last child of current CapitainsCtsPassage :rtype: str :returns: Last passage Node representation """ if self.childIds is not None: if len(self.childIds) > 0: return self.childIds[-1] return None else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class CtsNode(InteractiveTextualNode): """ Initiate a Resource object :param urn: A URN identifier :type urn: MyCapytain.common.reference._capitains_cts.URN :param metadata: Collection Information about the Item :type metadata: Collection :param citation: XmlCtsCitation system of the text :type citation: Citation :param children: Current node Children's Identifier :type children: [str] :param parent: Parent of the current node :type parent: str :param siblings: Previous and next node of the current node :type siblings: str :param depth: Depth of the node in the global hierarchy of the text tree :type depth: int :param resource: Resource used to navigate through the textual graph :cvar default_exclude: Default exclude for exports """ def __init__(self, urn=None, **kwargs): super(CtsNode, self).__init__(identifier=str(urn), **kwargs) self.__urn__ = None if urn is not None: self.urn = urn @property def urn(self): """ URN Identifier of the object :rtype: MyCapytain.common.reference._capitains_cts.URN """ return self.__urn__ @urn.setter def urn(self, value): """ Set the urn :param value: URN to be saved :type value: MyCapytain.common.reference._capitains_cts.URN :raises: *TypeError* when the value is not URN compatible """ if isinstance(value, text_type): value = URN(value) elif not isinstance(value, URN): raise TypeError() self.__urn__ = value
[docs] def get_cts_metadata(self, key, lang=None): return self.metadata.get_single(RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term(key), lang)
[docs] def getValidReff(self, level=1, reference=None): """ Given a resource, CitableText will compute valid reffs :param level: Depth required. If not set, should retrieve first encountered level (1 based) :type level: Int :param passage: Subreference (optional) :type passage: CtsReference :rtype: List.text_type :returns: List of levels """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def getLabel(self): """ Retrieve metadata about the text :rtype: Collection :returns: Retrieve Label informations in a Collection format """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def set_metadata_from_collection(self, text_metadata): """ Set the object metadata using its collections recursively :param text_metadata: Object representing the current text as a collection :type text_metadata: CtsEditionMetadata or CtsTranslationMetadata """ edition, work, textgroup = tuple(([text_metadata] + text_metadata.parents)[:3]) for node in textgroup.metadata.get(RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.groupname): lang = node.language self.metadata.add(RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.groupname, lang=lang, value=str(node)) self.set_creator(str(node), lang) for node in work.metadata.get(RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.title): lang = node.language self.metadata.add(RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.title, lang=lang, value=str(node)) self.set_title(str(node), lang) for node in edition.metadata.get(RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.label): lang = node.language self.metadata.add(RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.label, lang=lang, value=str(node)) self.set_subject(str(node), lang) for node in edition.metadata.get(RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.description): lang = node.language self.metadata.add(RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.description, lang=lang, value=str(node)) self.set_description(str(node), lang) if not self.citation.is_set() and edition.citation.is_set(): self.citation = edition.citation
[docs]class Passage(CtsNode): """ CapitainsCtsPassage objects possess metadata informations :param urn: A URN identifier :type urn: MyCapytain.common.reference._capitains_cts.URN :param metadata: Collection Information about the Item :type metadata: Collection :param citation: XmlCtsCitation system of the text :type citation: Citation :param children: Current node Children's Identifier :type children: [str] :param parent: Parent of the current node :type parent: str :param siblings: Previous and next node of the current node :type siblings: str :param depth: Depth of the node in the global hierarchy of the text tree :type depth: int :param resource: Resource used to navigate through the textual graph :cvar default_exclude: Default exclude for exports """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Passage, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def reference(self): return self.urn.reference
[docs]class CitableText(CtsNode): """ A CTS CitableText """ def __init__(self, citation=None, metadata=None, **kwargs): super(CitableText, self).__init__(citation=citation, metadata=metadata, **kwargs) self.__reffs__ = None @property def reffs(self): """ Get all valid reffs for every part of the CitableText :rtype: [str] """ if not self.__reffs__: self.__reffs__ = [reff for reffs in [self.getReffs(level=i) for i in range(1, len(self.citation) + 1)] for reff in reffs] return self.__reffs__