Source code for MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory
   :synopsis: Prototypes for repository/inventory Collection CTS objects

.. moduleauthor:: Thibault Clérice <>

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from six import text_type

from MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.metadata import Collection, ResourceCollection
from MyCapytain.common.reference._capitains_cts import URN
from MyCapytain.common.utils import make_xml_node, xmlparser
from MyCapytain.common.constants import RDF_NAMESPACES, Mimetypes
from MyCapytain.errors import InvalidURN
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy

from rdflib import RDF, Literal, URIRef
from rdflib.namespace import DC

[docs]class PrototypeCtsCollection(Collection): """ Resource represents any resource from the inventory :param identifier: Identifier representing the CtsTextInventoryMetadata :type identifier: str,URN :cvar CTS_MODEL: String Representation of the type of collection """ DC_TITLE_KEY = None CTS_PROPERTIES = [] CTS_LINKS = [] EXPORT_TO = [Mimetypes.PYTHON.ETREE] DEFAULT_EXPORT = Mimetypes.PYTHON.ETREE def __init__(self, identifier=""): super(PrototypeCtsCollection, self).__init__(identifier) self.__urn__ = "" @property def urn(self): return self.__urn__ def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True elif not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return hasattr(self, "urn") and hasattr(other, "urn") and self.urn == other.urn
[docs] def get_cts_property(self, prop, lang=None): """ Set given property in CTS Namespace .. example:: collection.get_cts_property("groupname", "eng") :param prop: Property to get (Without namespace) :param lang: Language to get for given value :return: Value or default if lang is set, else whole set of values :rtype: dict or Literal """ x = { obj.language: obj for obj in self.metadata.get(RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term(prop)) } if lang is not None: if lang in x: return x[lang] return next(x.values()) return x
[docs] def set_cts_property(self, prop, value, lang=None): """ Set given property in CTS Namespace .. example:: collection.set_cts_property("groupname", "MyCapytain", "eng") :param prop: Property to set (Without namespace) :param value: Value to set for given property :param lang: Language to set for given value """ if not isinstance(value, Literal): value = Literal(value, lang=lang) prop = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term(prop) if prop == self.DC_TITLE_KEY: self.set_label(value, lang) self.metadata.add(prop, value)
# new for commentary def __xml_export_generic__(self, attrs, namespaces=False, lines="\n", members=None, output=None): """ Shared method for Mimetypes.XML.CTS Export :param attrs: Dictionary of attributes for the node :param namespaces: Add namespaces to the node :param lines: New Line Character (Can be empty) :return: String representation of XML Nodes """ TYPE_URI = self.TYPE_URI if TYPE_URI == RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("CtsTextInventoryCollection"): TYPE_URI = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("TextInventory") strings = [] for pred in self.CTS_PROPERTIES: for obj in self.metadata.get(pred): strings.append( make_xml_node( self.graph, pred, attributes={"xml:lang": obj.language}, text=str(obj), complete=True ) ) if output == Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS: strings.append(make_xml_node(self.graph, RDF_NAMESPACES.CAPITAINS.term("structured-metadata"))) strings.append( self.metadata.export( Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS, exclude=[RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS, RDF_NAMESPACES.DTS, RDF]) ) strings.append(make_xml_node(self.graph, RDF_NAMESPACES.CAPITAINS.term("structured-metadata"), close=True)) if members is None: members = self.members for obj in members: strings.append(obj.export(output, namespaces=False)) strings.append(make_xml_node(self.graph, TYPE_URI, close=True)) if namespaces is True: attrs.update(self.__namespaces_header__(cpt=(output == Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS))) strings = [make_xml_node(self.graph, TYPE_URI, close=False, attributes=attrs)] + strings return lines.join(strings) def __export__(self, output=None, domain=""): if output == Mimetypes.PYTHON.ETREE: return xmlparser(self.export(output=Mimetypes.XML.CTS))
[docs]class CtsTextMetadata(ResourceCollection, PrototypeCtsCollection): """ Represents a CTS CtsTextMetadata :param urn: Identifier of the CtsTextMetadata :type urn: str :param parent: Item parents of the current collection :type parent: [PrototypeCtsCollection] :ivar urn: URN Identifier :type urn: URN """ DC_TITLE_KEY = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("label") TYPE_URI = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("text") MODEL_URI = URIRef(RDF_NAMESPACES.DTS.resource) EXPORT_TO = [Mimetypes.XML.CTS, Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS] CTS_PROPERTIES = [RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.label, RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.description] CTS_LINKS = [RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.about] SUBTYPE = "unknown" def __init__(self, urn="", parent=None, lang=None): self.__subtype__ = self.SUBTYPE super(CtsTextMetadata, self).__init__(identifier=str(urn)) self.resource = None self.citation = None self.__urn__ = URN(urn) self.docname = None self.validate = None if lang is not None: self.lang = lang if parent is not None: self.parent = parent if lang is None: self.lang = self.parent.lang @property def subtype(self): """ Subtype of the object :return: string representation of subtype """ return self.__subtype__ @property def readable(self): return True @property def members(self): """ Children of the collection's item .. warning:: CapitainsCtsText has no children :rtype: list """ return [] @property def descendants(self): """ Descendants of the collection's item .. warning:: CapitainsCtsText has no Descendants :rtype: list """ return []
[docs] def translations(self, key=None): """ Get translations in given language :param key: Language ISO Code to filter on :return: """ return self.parent.get_translation_in(key)
[docs] def editions(self): """ Get all editions of the texts :return: List of editions :rtype: [CtsTextMetadata] """ return [ item for urn, item in self.parent.children.items() if isinstance(item, CtsEditionMetadata) ]
def __export__(self, output=None, domain="", namespaces=True, lines="\n"): """ Create a {output} version of the CapitainsCtsText :param output: Format to be chosen :type output: basestring :param domain: Domain to prefix IDs when necessary :type domain: str :returns: Desired output formatted resource """ if output == Mimetypes.XML.CTS or output == Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS: attrs = {"urn":, "xml:lang": self.lang} if self.parent is not None and attrs["workUrn"] = if namespaces is True: attrs.update(self.__namespaces_header__(cpt=(output==Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS))) strings = [make_xml_node(self.graph, self.TYPE_URI, close=False, attributes=attrs)] # additional = [make_xml_node(self.graph, RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.extra)] for pred in self.CTS_PROPERTIES: for obj in self.metadata.get(pred): strings.append( make_xml_node( self.graph, pred, attributes={"xml:lang": obj.language}, text=str(obj), complete=True ) ) for pred in self.CTS_LINKS: # For each predicate in CTS_LINKS for obj in self.metadata.get(pred): # For each item in the graph connected to the current item metadata as object through the predicate "pred" strings.append( make_xml_node( self.graph, pred, attributes={"urn": str(obj)}, complete=True ) # <pref urn="obj.language"/> ) # Citation ! if self.citation is not None: strings.append( # Online make_xml_node( self.graph, RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("online"), complete=True, # XmlCtsCitation Mapping innerXML=make_xml_node( self.graph, RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("citationMapping"), complete=True, innerXML=self.citation.export(Mimetypes.XML.CTS) ) ) ) if output == Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS: strings.append(make_xml_node(self.graph, RDF_NAMESPACES.CAPITAINS.term("structured-metadata"))) strings.append( self.metadata.export( Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS, exclude=[RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS, RDF_NAMESPACES.DTS, RDF]) ) strings.append( make_xml_node(self.graph, RDF_NAMESPACES.CAPITAINS.term("structured-metadata"), close=True) ) strings.append(make_xml_node(self.graph, self.TYPE_URI, close=True)) return lines.join(strings)
[docs] def get_creator(self, lang=None): """ Get the DC Creator literal value :param lang: Language to retrieve :return: Creator string representation :rtype: Literal """ return self.parent.parent.metadata.get_label(lang=lang)
[docs] def get_title(self, lang=None): """ Get the DC Title of the object :param lang: Lang to retrieve :return: Title string representation :rtype: Literal """ return self.parent.metadata.get_label(lang=lang)
[docs] def get_description(self, lang=None): """ Get the DC description of the object :param lang: Lang to retrieve :return: Description string representation :rtype: Literal """ return self.metadata.get_single(key=RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.description, lang=lang)
[docs] def get_subject(self, lang=None): """ Get the DC subject of the object :param lang: Lang to retrieve :return: Subject string representation :rtype: Literal """ return self.get_label(lang=lang)
[docs]class CtsEditionMetadata(CtsTextMetadata): """ Represents a CTS XmlCtsEditionMetadata :param urn: Identifier of the CtsTextMetadata :type urn: str :param parent: Parent of current item :type parent: CtsWorkMetadata """ TYPE_URI = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("edition") MODEL_URI = URIRef(RDF_NAMESPACES.DTS.resource) SUBTYPE = "edition"
[docs]class CtsTranslationMetadata(CtsTextMetadata): """ Represents a CTS XmlCtsTranslationMetadata :param urn: Identifier of the CtsTextMetadata :type urn: str :param parent: Parent of current item :type parent: CtsWorkMetadata :param lang: Language of the translation :type lang: Lang """ TYPE_URI = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("translation") MODEL_URI = URIRef(RDF_NAMESPACES.DTS.resource) SUBTYPE = "translation"
[docs]class CtsCommentaryMetadata(CtsTextMetadata): """ Represents a CTS Commentary :param urn: Identifier of the PrototypeText :type urn: str :param parent: Parent of current item :type parent: PrototypeWork :param lang: Language of the commentary :type lang: Lang """ TYPE_URI = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("commentary") MODEL_URI = URIRef(RDF_NAMESPACES.DTS.resource) SUBTYPE = "commentary"
[docs]class CtsWorkMetadata(PrototypeCtsCollection): """ Represents a CTS CtsWorkMetadata CTS CtsWorkMetadata can be added to each other which would most likely happen if you take your data from multiple API or \ Textual repository. This works close to dictionary update in Python. See update :param urn: Identifier of the CtsWorkMetadata :type urn: str :param parent: Parent of current object :type parent: CtsTextgroupMetadata :ivar urn: URN Identifier :type urn: URN """ DC_TITLE_KEY = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("title") TYPE_URI = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("work") MODEL_URI = URIRef(RDF_NAMESPACES.DTS.collection) EXPORT_TO = [Mimetypes.XML.CTS, Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS] CTS_PROPERTIES = [RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("title")] def __init__(self, urn=None, parent=None): super(CtsWorkMetadata, self).__init__(identifier=str(urn)) self.__urn__ = URN(urn) self.__children__ = defaultdict(CtsTextMetadata) if parent is not None: self.parent = parent @property def texts(self): """ Texts :return: Dictionary of texts :rtype: defaultdict(:class:`PrototypeTexts`) """ return self.children @property def lang(self): """ Languages this text is in :return: List of available languages """ return str(self.graph.value(self.asNode(), DC.language)) @lang.setter def lang(self, lang): """ Language this text is available in :param lang: Language to add :type lang: str """ self.graph.set((self.asNode(), DC.language, Literal(lang)))
[docs] def update(self, other): """ Merge two XmlCtsWorkMetadata Objects. - Original (left Object) keeps his parent. - Added document overwrite text if it already exists :param other: XmlCtsWorkMetadata object :type other: CtsWorkMetadata :return: XmlCtsWorkMetadata Object :rtype XmlCtsWorkMetadata: """ if not isinstance(other, CtsWorkMetadata): raise TypeError("Cannot add %s to CtsWorkMetadata" % type(other)) elif self.urn != other.urn: raise InvalidURN("Cannot add CtsWorkMetadata %s to CtsWorkMetadata %s " % (self.urn, other.urn)) for urn, text in other.children.items(): self.texts[urn] = text self.texts[urn].parent = self self.texts[urn].resource = None return self
[docs] def get_translation_in(self, key=None): """ Find a translation with given language :param key: Language to find :type key: text_type :rtype: [CtsTextMetadata] :returns: List of availables translations """ if key is not None: return [ item for item in self.texts.values() if isinstance(item, CtsTranslationMetadata) and item.lang == key ] else: return [ item for item in self.texts.values() if isinstance(item, CtsTranslationMetadata) ]
def __len__(self): """ Get the number of text in the CtsWorkMetadata :return: Number of texts available in the inventory """ return len(self.texts) def __export__(self, output=None, domain="", namespaces=True): """ Create a {output} version of the XmlCtsWorkMetadata :param output: Format to be chosen :type output: basestring :param domain: Domain to prefix IDs when necessary :type domain: str :returns: Desired output formated resource """ if output == Mimetypes.XML.CTS or output == Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS: attrs = {"urn":, "xml:lang": self.lang} if self.parent is not None and attrs["groupUrn"] = return self.__xml_export_generic__(attrs, namespaces=namespaces, output=output)
[docs]class CtsTextgroupMetadata(PrototypeCtsCollection): """ Represents a CTS Textgroup CTS CtsTextgroupMetadata can be added to each other which would most likely happen if you take your data from multiple API or \ Textual repository. This works close to dictionary update in Python. See update :param urn: Identifier of the CtsTextgroupMetadata :type urn: str :param parent: Parent of the current object :type parent: CtsTextInventoryMetadata :ivar urn: URN Identifier :type urn: URN """ DC_TITLE_KEY = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("groupname") TYPE_URI = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("textgroup") MODEL_URI = URIRef(RDF_NAMESPACES.DTS.collection) EXPORT_TO = [Mimetypes.XML.CTS, Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS] CTS_PROPERTIES = [RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.groupname] def __init__(self, urn="", parent=None): super(CtsTextgroupMetadata, self).__init__(identifier=str(urn)) self.__urn__ = URN(urn) self.__children__ = defaultdict(CtsWorkMetadata) if parent is not None: self.parent = parent @property def works(self): """ Works :return: Dictionary of works :rtype: defaultdict(:class:`PrototypeWorks`) """ return self.children
[docs] def update(self, other): """ Merge two Textgroup Objects. - Original (left Object) keeps his parent. - Added document merges with work if it already exists :param other: Textgroup object :type other: CtsTextgroupMetadata :return: Textgroup Object :rtype: CtsTextgroupMetadata """ if not isinstance(other, CtsTextgroupMetadata): raise TypeError("Cannot add %s to CtsTextgroupMetadata" % type(other)) elif str(self.urn) != str(other.urn): raise InvalidURN("Cannot add CtsTextgroupMetadata %s to CtsTextgroupMetadata %s " % (self.urn, other.urn)) for urn, work in if urn in[urn].update(deepcopy(work)) else:[urn] = deepcopy(work)[urn].parent = self[urn].resource = None return self
def __len__(self): """ Get the number of text in the Textgroup :return: Number of texts available in the inventory """ return len([ text for work in for text in work.texts.values() ]) def __export__(self, output=None, domain="", namespaces=True): """ Create a {output} version of the XmlCtsTextgroupMetadata :param output: Format to be chosen :type output: basestring :param domain: Domain to prefix IDs when necessary :type domain: str :returns: Desired output formated resource """ if output == Mimetypes.XML.CTS or output == Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS: attrs = {"urn":} return self.__xml_export_generic__(attrs, namespaces=namespaces, output=output)
[docs]class CtsTextInventoryMetadata(PrototypeCtsCollection): """ Initiate a CtsTextInventoryMetadata resource :param resource: Resource representing the CtsTextInventoryMetadata :type resource: Any :param name: Identifier of the CtsTextInventoryMetadata :type name: str """ DC_TITLE_KEY = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("name") TYPE_URI = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("TextInventory") MODEL_URI = URIRef(RDF_NAMESPACES.DTS.collection) EXPORT_TO = [Mimetypes.XML.CTS, Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS] def __init__(self, name="defaultInventory", parent=None): super(CtsTextInventoryMetadata, self).__init__(identifier=name) self.__children__ = defaultdict(CtsTextgroupMetadata) if parent is not None: self.parent = parent @property def textgroups(self): """ Textgroups :return: Dictionary of textgroups :rtype: defaultdict(:class:`CtsTextgroupMetadata`) """ return self.children def __len__(self): """ Get the number of text in the Inventory :return: Number of texts available in the inventory """ return len([ text for tg in self.textgroups.values() for work in for text in work.texts.values() ]) def __export__(self, output=None, domain="", namespaces=True): """ Create a {output} version of the CtsTextInventoryMetadata :param output: Format to be chosen :type output: basestring :param domain: Domain to prefix IDs when necessary :type domain: str :param namespaces: List namespaces in main node :returns: Desired output formated resource """ if output == Mimetypes.XML.CTS or output == Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS: attrs = {} if attrs["tiid"] = return self.__xml_export_generic__(attrs, namespaces=namespaces, output=output)
[docs]class CtsTextInventoryCollection(PrototypeCtsCollection): """ Initiate a CtsTextInventoryMetadata resource :param resource: Resource representing the CtsTextInventoryMetadata :type resource: Any :param name: Identifier of the CtsTextInventoryMetadata :type name: str """ DC_TITLE_KEY = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("name") TYPE_URI = RDF_NAMESPACES.CTS.term("CtsTextInventoryCollection") MODEL_URI = URIRef(RDF_NAMESPACES.DTS.collection) EXPORT_TO = [Mimetypes.XML.CTS, Mimetypes.JSON.DTS.Std, Mimetypes.XML.CapiTainS.CTS] def __init__(self, identifier="default"): super(CtsTextInventoryCollection, self).__init__(identifier=identifier) self.__children__ = dict() def __len__(self): """ Get the number of text in the Inventory :return: Number of texts available in the inventory """ return len([ text for inv in self.members for tg in inv.textgroups.values() for work in for text in work.texts.values() ]) def __export__(self, output=None, domain="", namespaces=True): """ Create a {output} version of the CtsTextInventoryMetadata :param output: Format to be chosen :type output: basestring :param domain: Domain to prefix IDs when necessary :type domain: str :param namespaces: List namespaces in main node :returns: Desired output formated resource """ if output == Mimetypes.XML.CTS: attrs = {} if attrs["tiid"] = return self.__xml_export_generic__( attrs, namespaces=namespaces, members=[ m for inv in self.members for m in inv.members ], output=Mimetypes.XML.CTS ) elif output == Mimetypes.JSON.DTS.Std: if len(self.members) > 1: return Collection.__export__(self, output=output) else: return self.members[0].export(output=output)