Source code for MyCapytain.resources.texts.api.cts

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: MyCapytain.resources.texts.api.cts
   :synopsis: Text and Passage implementation for dealing with CTS API Responses

.. moduleauthor:: Thibault Clérice <>


from __future__ import unicode_literals

from MyCapytain.common.metadata import Metadata
from MyCapytain.common.utils import xmlparser
from MyCapytain.common.constants import NS, Mimetypes
from MyCapytain.common.reference import URN, Reference
from MyCapytain.resources.collections import cts as CTSCollection
from MyCapytain.resources.prototypes import text as prototypes
from MyCapytain.resources.texts.encodings import TEIResource
from MyCapytain.errors import MissingAttribute

class __SharedMethod__(prototypes.InteractiveTextualNode):
    """ Set of methods shared by Text and Passage

    :param retriever: Retriever used to retrieve other data
    :type retriever: MyCapytain.retrievers.prototypes.CitableTextServiceRetriever

    def depth(self):
        """ Depth of the current opbject

        :return: Int representation of the depth based on URN information
        :rtype: int
        if self.urn.reference:
            return len(self.urn.reference)

    def __init__(self, retriever=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super(__SharedMethod__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.__retriever__ = retriever
        self.__first__ = False
        self.__last__ = False
        if retriever is None:
            raise MissingAttribute("Object has not retriever")

        if "metadata" in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs["metadata"], Metadata):
            self.metadata = kwargs["metadata"]
            self.metadata = Metadata(keys=[
                "groupname", "label", "title"

    def retriever(self):
        """ Retriever object used to query for more data

        :rtype: CitableTextServiceRetriever
        return self.__retriever__

    def getValidReff(self, level=1, reference=None):
        """ Given a resource, CitableText will compute valid reffs

        :param level: Depth required. If not set, should retrieve first encountered level (1 based)
        :type level: Int
        :param reference: Passage reference
        :type reference: Reference
        :rtype: list(str)
        :returns: List of levels
        if reference:
            urn = "{0}:{1}".format(self.urn, reference)
            urn = str(self.urn)

        if level == -1:
            level = len(self.citation)

        xml = self.retriever.getValidReff(
        xml = xmlparser(xml)
        self.__parse_request__(xml.xpath("//ti:request", namespaces=NS)[0])

        return [ref.split(":")[-1] for ref in xml.xpath("//ti:reply//ti:urn/text()", namespaces=NS)]

    def getTextualNode(self, subreference=None):
        """ Retrieve a passage and store it in the object

        :param subreference: Reference of the passage (Note : if given a list, this should be a list of string that \
        compose the reference)
        :type subreference: Union[Reference, URN, str, list]
        :rtype: Passage
        :returns: Object representing the passage
        :raises: *TypeError* when reference is not a list or a Reference
        if isinstance(subreference, URN):
            urn = str(subreference)
        elif isinstance(subreference, Reference):
            urn = "{0}:{1}".format(self.urn, str(subreference))
        elif isinstance(subreference, str):
            if ":" in subreference:
                urn = subreference
                urn = "{0}:{1}".format(self.urn.upTo(URN.NO_PASSAGE), subreference)
        elif isinstance(subreference, list):
            urn = "{0}:{1}".format(self.urn, ".".join(subreference))
            urn = str(self.urn)

        response = xmlparser(self.retriever.getPassage(urn=urn))

        self.__parse_request__(response.xpath("//ti:request", namespaces=NS)[0])
        return Passage(urn=urn, resource=response, retriever=self.retriever)

    def getReffs(self, level=1, subreference=None):
        """ Reference available at a given level

        :param level: Depth required. If not set, should retrieve first encountered level (1 based)
        :type level: Int
        :param subreference: Subreference (optional)
        :type subreference: Reference
        :rtype: [text_type]
        :returns: List of levels
        if self.depth is not None:
            level += self.depth

        return self.getValidReff(level, subreference)

    def getPassagePlus(self, reference=None):
        """ Retrieve a passage and informations around it and store it in the object

        :param reference: Reference of the passage
        :type reference: Reference or List of text_type
        :rtype: Passage
        :returns: Object representing the passage
        :raises: *TypeError* when reference is not a list or a Reference
        if reference:
            urn = "{0}:{1}".format(self.urn, reference)
            urn = str(self.urn)

        response = xmlparser(self.retriever.getPassagePlus(urn=urn))

        self.__parse_request__(response.xpath("//ti:reply/ti:label", namespaces=NS)[0])
        passage = Passage(urn=urn, resource=response, retriever=self.retriever)
        passage.metadata, passage.citation = self.metadata, self.citation
        return passage

    def __parse_request__(self, xml):
        """ Parse a request with metadata information

        :param xml: LXML Object
        :type xml: Union[lxml.etree._Element]
        for node in xml.xpath(".//ti:groupname", namespaces=NS):
            lang = node.get("xml:lang") or Text.DEFAULT_LANG
            self.metadata["groupname"][lang] = node.text

        for node in xml.xpath(".//ti:title", namespaces=NS):
            lang = node.get("xml:lang") or Text.DEFAULT_LANG
            self.metadata["title"][lang] = node.text

        for node in xml.xpath(".//ti:label", namespaces=NS):
            lang = node.get("xml:lang") or Text.DEFAULT_LANG
            self.metadata["label"][lang] = node.text

        # Need to code that p
        if self.citation.isEmpty() and xml.xpath("//ti:citation", namespaces=NS):
            self.citation = CTSCollection.Citation.ingest(

    def getLabel(self):
        """ Retrieve metadata about the text

        :rtype: Metadata
        :returns: Dictionary with label informations
        response = xmlparser(

            response.xpath("//ti:reply/ti:label", namespaces=NS)[0]

        return self.metadata

    def getPrevNextUrn(self, reference):
        """ Get the previous URN of a reference of the text

        :param reference: Reference from which to find siblings
        :type reference: Union[Reference, str]
        :return: (Previous Passage Reference,Next Passage Reference)
        _prev, _next = __SharedMethod__.prevnext(
        return _prev, _next

    def getFirstUrn(self, reference=None):
        """ Get the first children URN for a given resource

        :param reference: Reference from which to find child (If None, find first reference)
        :type reference: Reference, str
        :return: Children URN
        :rtype: URN
        if reference is not None:
            if ":" in reference:
                urn = reference
                urn = "{}:{}".format(
            urn = str(self.urn)
        _first = __SharedMethod__.firstUrn(
        return _first

    def firstId(self):
        """ Children passage

        :rtype: str
        :returns: First children of the graph. Shortcut to self.graph.children[0]
        if self.__first__ is False:
            # Request the next urn
            self.__first__ = self.getFirstUrn()
        return self.__first__

    def lastId(self):
        """ Children passage

        :rtype: str
        :returns: First children of the graph. Shortcut to self.graph.children[0]
        if self.__last__ is False:
            # Request the next urn
            self.__last__ = self.childIds[-1]
        return self.__last__

    def firstUrn(resource):
        """ Parse a resource to get the first URN

        :param resource: XML Resource
        :type resource: etree._Element
        :return: Tuple representing previous and next urn
        :rtype: str
        resource = xmlparser(resource)
        urn = resource.xpath("//ti:reply/ti:urn/text()", namespaces=NS, magic_string=True)

        if len(urn) > 0:
            urn = str(urn[0])
            return urn.split(":")[-1]

    def prevnext(resource):
        """ Parse a resource to get the prev and next urn

        :param resource: XML Resource
        :type resource: etree._Element
        :return: Tuple representing previous and next urn
        :rtype: (str, str)
        _prev, _next = False, False
        resource = xmlparser(resource)
        prevnext = resource.xpath("//ti:prevnext", namespaces=NS)

        if len(prevnext) > 0:
            _next, _prev = None, None
            prevnext = prevnext[0]
            _next_xpath = prevnext.xpath("ti:next/ti:urn/text()", namespaces=NS, smart_strings=False)
            _prev_xpath = prevnext.xpath("ti:prev/ti:urn/text()", namespaces=NS, smart_strings=False)

            if len(_next_xpath):
                _next = _next_xpath[0].split(":")[-1]

            if len(_prev_xpath):
                _prev = _prev_xpath[0].split(":")[-1]

        return _prev, _next

[docs]class Text(__SharedMethod__, prototypes.CitableText): """ API Text object :param urn: A URN identifier :type urn: Union[URN, str, unicode] :param resource: An API endpoint :type resource: CitableTextServiceRetriever :param citation: Citation for children level :type citation: Citation :param id: Identifier of the subreference without URN informations :type id: List """ DEFAULT_LANG = "eng" def __init__(self, urn, retriever, citation=None, **kwargs): super(Text, self).__init__(retriever=retriever, urn=urn, citation=citation, **kwargs) @property def reffs(self): """ Get all valid reffs for every part of the CitableText :rtype: MyCapytain.resources.texts.tei.Citation """ if self.citation.isEmpty(): self.getLabel() return [ reff for reffs in [self.getValidReff(level=i) for i in range(1, len(self.citation) + 1)] for reff in reffs ] @property def nextId(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def next(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def prev(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def prevId(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def siblingsId(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def export(self, output=Mimetypes.PLAINTEXT, exclude=None, **kwargs): """ Export the collection item in the Mimetype required. ..note:: If current implementation does not have special mimetypes, reuses default_export method :param output: Mimetype to export to (Uses Mimetypes) :type output: str :param exclude: Informations to exclude. Specific to implementations :type exclude: [str] :return: Object using a different representation """ return self.getTextualNode().export(output, exclude)
[docs]class Passage(__SharedMethod__, prototypes.Passage, TEIResource): """ Passage representing :param urn: :param resource: :param retriever: :param args: :param kwargs: """ def __init__(self, urn, resource, *args, **kwargs): SuperKwargs = {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key not in ["parent"]} super(Passage, self).__init__(resource=resource, *args, **SuperKwargs) self.urn = urn # Could be set during parsing self.__nextId__ = False self.__prev__ = False self.__first__ = False self.__last__ = False self.__parse__() @property def id(self): return str(self.urn.reference) @property def prevId(self): """ Previous passage Identifier :rtype: Passage :returns: Previous passage at same level """ if self.__prev__ is False: # Request the next urn self.__prev__, self.__nextId__ = self.getPrevNextUrn(reference=self.urn.reference) return self.__prev__ @property def parentId(self): """ Shortcut for getting the parent passage identifier :rtype: Reference :returns: Following passage reference """ return str(self.urn.reference.parent) @property def nextId(self): """ Shortcut for getting the following passage identifier :rtype: Reference :returns: Following passage reference """ if self.__nextId__ is False: # Request the next urn self.__prev__, self.__nextId__ = self.getPrevNextUrn(reference=self.urn.reference) return self.__nextId__ @property def siblingsId(self): """ Shortcut for getting the previous and next passage identifier :rtype: Reference :returns: Following passage reference """ if self.__nextId__ is False or self.__prev__ is False: self.__prev__, self.__nextId__ = self.getPrevNextUrn(reference=self.urn.reference) return self.__prev__, self.__nextId__ def __parse__(self): """ Given self.resource, split information from the CTS API :return: None """ self.response = self.resource self.resource = self.resource.xpath("//ti:passage/tei:TEI", namespaces=NS)[0] self.__prev__, self.__nextId__ = __SharedMethod__.prevnext(self.response) if self.citation.isEmpty() and len(self.resource.xpath("//ti:citation", namespaces=NS)): self.citation = CTSCollection.Citation.ingest( self.response, xpath=".//ti:citation[not(ancestor::ti:citation)]" )