Source code for MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.metadata

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.metadata
   :synopsis: Definition of Metadata Type Objects

.. moduleauthor:: Thibault Clérice <>

from copy import deepcopy

from MyCapytain.common.metadata import Metadatum, Metadata
from MyCapytain.common.constants import NAMESPACES, RDF_PREFIX, Mimetypes, Exportable

[docs]class Collection(Exportable): """ Collection represents any resource's metadata. It has members and parents :ivar properties: Properties of the collection :type properties: dict :ivar parents: Parent of the node from the direct parent to the highest ascendant :type parents: [Collection] :ivar metadata: Metadata :type metadata: Metadata :cvar DC_TITLE_KEY: Key representing the object title in the Metadata property :type DC_TITLE_KEY: str """ DC_TITLE_KEY = None TYPE_URI = "" EXPORT_TO = [Mimetypes.JSON.DTS.NoParents, Mimetypes.JSON.DTS.Std] @property def title(self): """ Title of the collection Item :rtype: Metadatum """ if hasattr(type(self), "DC_TITLE_KEY") and self.DC_TITLE_KEY: return Metadatum( "title", namespace=NAMESPACES.DC, children=[(lang, value) for lang, value in self.metadata[type(self).DC_TITLE_KEY]] ) def __init__(self): self.metadata = Metadata() self.__id__ = None = { RDF_PREFIX["dts"]+"model": "", RDF_PREFIX["rdf"]+"type": self.TYPE_URI } self.parents = [] @property def id(self): """ Identifier of the collection item :rtype: str """ return self.__id__ def __getitem__(self, item): """ Retrieve an item by its ID in the tree of a collection :param item: :return: Collection identified by the item """ for obj in self.descendants + [self]: if == item: return obj raise KeyError("%s is not part of this object" % item) @property def readable(self): """ Readable property should return elements where the element can be queried for getPassage / getReffs """ return False @property def members(self): """ Children of the collection's item :rtype: [Collection] """ return [] @property def descendants(self): """ Any descendant (no max level) of the collection's item :rtype: [Collection] """ return self.members + \ [submember for member in self.members for submember in member.descendants] @property def readableDescendants(self): """ List of element available which are readable :rtype: [Collection] """ return [member for member in self.descendants if member.readable] def __export__(self, output=None, domain=""): """ Export the collection item in the Mimetype required. ..note:: If current implementation does not have special mimetypes, reuses default_export method :param output: Mimetype to export to (Uses MyCapytain.common.utils.Mimetypes) :type output: str :param domain: Domain (Necessary sometime to express some IDs) :type domain: str :return: Object using a different representation """ if output == Mimetypes.JSON.DTS.Std or output == Mimetypes.JSON.DTS.NoParents: identifier = if is None: identifier = "" if self.title: m = Metadata(keys="dc:title") m["dc:title"] = self.title m += self.metadata else: m = self.metadata o = { "@id": domain+identifier, RDF_PREFIX["dts"] + "description": m.export(Mimetypes.JSON.DTS.Std), RDF_PREFIX["dts"] + "properties":, RDF_PREFIX["dts"] + "capabilities": { RDF_PREFIX["dts"] + "ordered": False, RDF_PREFIX["dts"] + "supportsRole": False, RDF_PREFIX["dts"] + "static": True, RDF_PREFIX["dts"] + "navigation": { RDF_PREFIX["dts"] + "parents": [], RDF_PREFIX["dts"] + "siblings": {} } }, } if len(self.members): o[RDF_PREFIX["dts"] + "members"] = [ member.export(Mimetypes.JSON.DTS.NoParents, domain=domain) for member in self.members ] if output != Mimetypes.JSON.DTS.NoParents and len(self.parents): o[RDF_PREFIX["dts"] + "capabilities"]\ [RDF_PREFIX["dts"] + "navigation"]\ [RDF_PREFIX["dts"] + "parents"] = [ { "@id": domain+( or ""), RDF_PREFIX["rdf"] + "type": parent.TYPE_URI, RDF_PREFIX["dts"] + "model": "", } for parent in self.parents ] return o