Source code for MyCapytain.resolvers.cts.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: MyCapytain.resolvers.cts.api
   :synopsis: Resolver built for CTS APIs

.. moduleauthor:: Thibault Clérice <>


from MyCapytain.resolvers.prototypes import Resolver
from MyCapytain.resources.texts.api.cts import Text
from MyCapytain.resources.collections.cts import TextInventory
from MyCapytain.retrievers.cts5 import CTS

[docs]class HttpCTSResolver(Resolver): """ HttpCTSResolver provide a resolver for CTS API http endpoint. :param endpoint: CTS API Retriever :type endpoint: CTS :ivar endpoint: CTS API Retriever :type endpoint: CTS """ def __init__(self, endpoint): if not isinstance(endpoint, CTS): raise TypeError("Endpoint should be a CTS Endpoint object") self.__endpoint__ = endpoint @property def endpoint(self): """ CTS Endpoint of the resolver :return: CTS Endpoint :rtype: CTS """ return self.__endpoint__
[docs] def getTextualNode(self, textId, subreference=None, prevnext=False, metadata=False): """ Retrieve a text node from the API :param textId: Text Identifier :type textId: str :param subreference: Passage Reference :type subreference: str :param prevnext: Retrieve graph representing previous and next passage :type prevnext: boolean :param metadata: Retrieve metadata about the passage and the text :type metadata: boolean :return: Passage :rtype: Passage """ text = Text( urn=textId, retriever=self.endpoint ) if metadata or prevnext: return text.getPassagePlus(reference=subreference) else: return text.getTextualNode(subreference=subreference)
[docs] def getSiblings(self, textId, subreference): """ Retrieve the siblings of a textual node :param textId: Text Identifier :type textId: str :param subreference: Passage Reference :type subreference: str :return: Tuple of references :rtype: (str, str) """ text = Text( urn=textId, retriever=self.endpoint ) return text.getPrevNextUrn(subreference)
[docs] def getReffs(self, textId, level=1, subreference=None): """ Retrieve the siblings of a textual node :param textId: Text Identifier :type textId: str :param level: Depth for retrieval :type level: int :param subreference: Passage Reference :type subreference: str :return: List of references :rtype: [str] """ text = Text( urn=textId, retriever=self.endpoint ) return text.getReffs(level, subreference)
[docs] def getMetadata(self, objectId=None, **filters): """ Request metadata about a text or a collection :param objectId: Object Identifier to filter on :type objectId: str :param filters: Kwargs parameters. :type filters: dict :return: Collection """ if objectId is not None: filters["urn"] = objectId ti = TextInventory() ti.parse(self.endpoint.getCapabilities(**filters)) if objectId: return [x for x in [ti] + ti.descendants if == objectId][0] return ti