Source code for MyCapytain.common.constants

from collections import namedtuple
from inspect import getmro

#: List of XPath Namespaces used in guidelines
NS = {
    "tei": "",
    "ahab": "http://localhost.local",
    "ti": "",
    "xml": ""

#: List of RDF Prefixes with their equivalents
  "foaf": "",
  "dc": "",
  "rdf": "",
  "rdfs": "",
  "owl": "",
  "geonames": "",
  "geo": "",
  "skos": "",
  "dbp": "",
  "swrc": "",
  "sioc": "",
  "xsd": "",
  "dbo": "",
  "dc11": "",
  "doap": "",
  "dts": "",
  "dbpprop": "",
  "content": "",
  "wot": "",
  "rss": "",
  "gen": "",
  "dbpedia": "",

  "tei": "",
  "ti": ""

#: List of RDF URI with their equivalent Prefix
    '': 'ti',
    '': 'dbo',
    '': 'dbp',
    '': 'dbpedia',
    '': 'dc11',
    '': 'gen',
    '': 'rss',
    '': 'content',
    '': 'sioc',
    '': 'swrc',
    '': 'doap',
    '': 'geonames',
    '': 'tei',
    '': 'rdf',
    '': 'rdfs',
    '': 'xsd',
    '': 'owl',
    '': 'geo',
    '': 'skos',
    '': 'foaf',
    '': 'wot'

#: Namespace tuple that can be used to express namespace information
Namespace = namedtuple("Namespace", ["uri", "prefix"])

[docs]class NAMESPACES: """ Namespaces Constants used to provide Namespace capacities across the library :cvar CTS: CTS Namespace :type CTS: Namespace :cvar TEI: TEI Namespace :type TEI: Namespace :cvar DC: DC Elements :type DC: Namespace """ CTS = Namespace("", "ti") TEI = Namespace("", "tei") DC = Namespace("", "dc")
[docs]class Mimetypes: """ Mimetypes constants that are used to provide export functionality to base MyCapytain object. :cvar JSON: JSON Resource mimetype :cvar XML: XML Resource mimetype :cvar PYTHON: Python Native Object :cvar PLAINTEXT: Plain string format """
[docs] class JSON: """ Json Mimetype :cvar Std: Standard JSON Export :cvar CTS: CTS Json Export """ Std = "application/text" CTS = "application/ld+json:CTS"
[docs] class DTS: """ JSON DTS Expression :cvar Std: Standard DTS Json-LD Expression :cvar NoParents: DTS Json-LD Expression without parents expression """ Std = "application/ld+json:DTS" NoParents = "application/ld+json:DTS/NoParents"
[docs] class XML: """ XML Mimetype :cvar Std: Standard XML Export :cvar RDF: RDF XML Expression Export :cvar CTS: CTS API XML Expression Export """ Std = "text/xml" RDF = "application/rdf+xml" CTS = "text/xml:CTS"
[docs] class PYTHON: """ Python Native Objects :cvar NestedDict: Nested Dictionary Object :cvar ETREE: Python LXML Etree Object """ NestedDict = "python/NestedDict" ETREE = "python/lxml"
[docs] class MyCapytain: """ MyCapytain Objects :cvar ReadableText: MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.text.CitableText """ ReadableText = "Capitains/ReadableText"
PLAINTEXT = "text/plain"
[docs]class Exportable(object): """ Objects that supports Export :cvar EXPORT_TO: List of Mimetypes the resource can export to """ EXPORT_TO = [] DEFAULT_EXPORT = None @property def export_capacities(self): """ List Mimetypes that current object can export to """ return [export for cls in getmro(type(self)) if hasattr(cls, "EXPORT_TO") for export in cls.EXPORT_TO] def __export__(self, output=None, **kwargs): """ Export the collection item in the Mimetype required. :param output: Mimetype to export to (Uses MyCapytain.common.utils.Mimetypes) :type output: str :return: Object using a different representation """ return None
[docs] def export(self, output=None, **kwargs): """ Export the collection item in the Mimetype required. :param output: Mimetype to export to (Uses MyCapytain.common.utils.Mimetypes) :type output: str :return: Object using a different representation """ if output is None: output = self.DEFAULT_EXPORT if output is not None and output in self.export_capacities: for cls in getmro(type(self)): if hasattr(cls, "EXPORT_TO") and output in cls.EXPORT_TO: return cls.__export__(self, output, **kwargs) raise NotImplementedError( "Mimetype {} has not been implemented for this resource".format(output or "(No Mimetype)") )