Source code for MyCapytain.resources.inventory

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: MyCapytain.resources.xml
   :synopsis: XML based Text and repository

.. moduleauthor:: Thibault Clérice <>

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from MyCapytain.resources.proto import inventory, text
from MyCapytain.common.reference import Citation as CitationPrototype, URN
from MyCapytain.common.utils import xmlparser, NS
import re
from six import text_type as str
import collections

[docs]class Citation(CitationPrototype): """ Citation XML implementation for TextInventory """ escape = re.compile('(")') def __str__(self): """ Returns a string text inventory version of the object :Example: >>> a = Citation(name="book", xpath="/tei:TEI/tei:body/tei:text/tei:div", scope="/tei:div[@n=\"1\"]") >>> str(a) == <ti:citation label='book' xpath='/tei:TEI/tei:body/tei:text/tei:div' scope='/tei:div[@n=\"1\"]'>...</ti:citation> """ if self.xpath is None and self.scope is None and self.refsDecl is None: return "" child = "" if isinstance(self.child, Citation): child = str(self.child) label = "" if is not None: label = return """<ti:citation label="{label}" xpath="{xpath}" scope="{scope}">{child}</ti:citation>""".format( child=child, xpath=re.sub(Citation.escape, "'", self.xpath), scope=re.sub(Citation.escape, "'", self.scope), label=label ) @staticmethod
[docs] def ingest(resource, element=None, xpath="ti:citation"): """ Ingest xml to create a citation :param xml: XML on which to do xpath :param element: Element where the citation should be stored :param xpath: XPath to use to retrieve citation :return: Citation """ # Reuse of of find citation results = resource.xpath(xpath, namespaces=NS) if len(results) > 0: citation = Citation( name=results[0].get("label"), xpath=results[0].get("xpath"), scope=results[0].get("scope") ) if isinstance(element, Citation): element.child = citation Citation.ingest( resource=results[0], element=element.child ) else: element = citation Citation.ingest( resource=results[0], element=element ) return citation return None
[docs]def xpathDict(xml, xpath, children, parents, **kwargs): """ Returns a default Dict given certain informations :param xml: An xml tree :type xml: etree :param xpath: XPath to find children :type basestring: :param children: Object identifying children :type children: inventory.Resource :param parents: Tuple of parents :type parents: tuple.<inventory.Resource> :rtype: collections.defaultdict.<basestring, inventory.Resource> :returns: Dictionary of children """ return collections.defaultdict(children, **dict( ( child.get("urn"), children( resource=child, urn=child.get("urn"), parents=parents, **kwargs ) ) for child in xml.xpath(xpath, namespaces=NS)) )
[docs]class Text(inventory.Text): """ Represents a CTS Text ..automethod:: __str__ """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Text, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __str__(self): """ Print the xml of the text :rtype: basestring :returns: XML representation of the text """ strings = [] tag_start = "edition" tag_end = tag_start if self.subtype == "Translation": tag_start = "translation" tag_end = "translation" if self.lang: tag_start = tag_start + " xml:lang='" + self.lang + "'" if self.urn is not None: strings.append( "<ti:{0} urn='{1}' workUrn='{2}' xmlns:ti=''>".format( tag_start, self.urn, self.urn.upTo(URN.WORK) ) ) else: if len(self.parents) > 0 and hasattr(self.parents[0], "urn") is True: strings.append( "<ti:{0} workUrn='{1}' xmlns:ti=''>".format( tag_start, self.parents[0].urn ) ) else: strings.append( "<ti:{0} xmlns:ti=''>".format( tag_start ) ) namespaces = [] for tag, metadatum in self.metadata: if tag == "namespaceMapping": for abbr, ns in metadatum: namespaces.append( '<ti:namespaceMapping abbreviation=\'{0}\' nsURI=\'{1}\'/>'.format( abbr, ns ) ) else: for lang, value in metadatum: strings.append( "<ti:{tag} xml:lang='{lang}'>{value}</ti:{tag}>".format( tag=tag, lang=lang, value=value ) ) # Maybe should have an online object... docname = "" if self.docname is not None: docname = ' docname=\'{0}\''.format(self.docname) strings.append("<ti:online{0}>".format(docname)) if self.validate is not None: strings.append('<ti:validate schema=\'{0}\'/>'.format(self.validate)) if len(namespaces) > 0: strings.append("".join(namespaces)) if self.citation is not None: strings.append("<ti:citationMapping>") strings.append(str(self.citation)) strings.append("</ti:citationMapping>") strings.append("</ti:online>") strings.append("</ti:{0}>".format(tag_end)) return "".join(strings)
[docs] def export(self, output="xml", **kwargs): """ Create a {format} version of the Work :param output: Format to be chosen (Only XML for now) :type output: basestring, citation :rtype: lxml.etree._Element :returns: XML representation of the object """ if output == "xml": return xmlparser(str(self)) elif issubclass(output, text.Text): complete_metadata = self.metadata for parent in self.parents: if isinstance(parent, inventory.Resource) and hasattr(parent, "metadata"): complete_metadata = complete_metadata + parent.metadata return output(urn=self.urn, citation=self.citation, metadata=complete_metadata, **kwargs)
def __findCitations(self, xml, xpath="ti:citation"): """ Find citation in current xml. Used as a loop for self.xmlparser() :param xml: Xml resource to be parsed :param xpath: Xpath to use to retrieve the xml node """ self.citation = Citation.ingest(xml, self.citation, xpath)
[docs] def parse(self, resource): """ Parse a resource to feed the object :param resource: An xml representation object :type resource: basestring or lxml.etree._Element :returns: None """ self.xml = xmlparser(resource) if self.subtype == "Translation": lang = self.xml.get("{}lang") if lang is not None: self.lang = lang for child in self.xml.xpath("ti:description", namespaces=NS): lg = child.get("{}lang") if lg is not None: self.metadata["description"][lg] = child.text for child in self.xml.xpath("ti:label", namespaces=NS): lg = child.get("{}lang") if lg is not None: self.metadata["label"][lg] = child.text self.__findCitations( xml=self.xml, xpath="ti:online/ti:citationMapping/ti:citation" ) online = self.xml.xpath("ti:online", namespaces=NS) if len(online) > 0: online = online[0] self.docname = online.get("docname") for validate in online.xpath("ti:validate", namespaces=NS): self.validate = validate.get("schema") for namespaceMapping in online.xpath("ti:namespaceMapping", namespaces=NS): self.metadata["namespaceMapping"][namespaceMapping.get("abbreviation")] = namespaceMapping.get("nsURI") return None
[docs]def Edition(resource=None, urn=None, parents=None): """ Create an edition subtyped Text object """ return Text(resource=resource, urn=urn, parents=parents, subtype="Edition")
[docs]def Translation(resource=None, urn=None, parents=None): """ Create a translation subtyped Text object """ return Text(resource=resource, urn=urn, parents=parents, subtype="Translation")
[docs]class Work(inventory.Work): """ Represents a CTS Textgroup in XML ..automethod:: __str__ """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Work, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __str__(self): """ Print the xml of the work :rtype: basestring :returns: XML representation of the work """ strings = [] if self.urn is not None: strings.append( "<ti:work urn='{0}' groupUrn='{1}' xmlns:ti=''>".format( self.urn, self.urn.upTo(URN.TEXTGROUP)) ) else: if len(self.parents) > 0 and hasattr(self.parents[0], "urn") is True: strings.append("<ti:work groupUrn='{0}' xmlns:ti=''>".format( self.parents[0].urn) ) else: strings.append("<ti:work xmlns:ti=''>") for tag, metadatum in self.metadata: for lang, value in metadatum: strings.append("<ti:{tag} xml:lang='{lang}'>{value}</ti:{tag}>".format(tag=tag, lang=lang, value=value)) # Dev trick : For tests, we need to have always the same order.... keys = sorted([urn for urn in self.texts]) for urn in keys: strings.append(str(self.texts[urn])) strings.append("</ti:work>") return "".join(strings)
[docs] def export(self, output="xml"): """ Create a {format} version of the Work :param output: Format to be chosen (Only XML for now) :type output: basestring :rtype: lxml.etree._Element :returns: XML representation of the object """ return xmlparser(str(self))
[docs] def parse(self, resource): """ Parse a resource :param resource: Element rerpresenting a work :param type: basestring, etree._Element """ self.xml = xmlparser(resource) lang = self.xml.get("{}lang") if lang is not None: self.lang = lang for child in self.xml.xpath("ti:title", namespaces=NS): lg = child.get("{}lang") if lg is not None: self.metadata["title"][lg] = child.text self.__editions = xpathDict( xml=self.xml, xpath='ti:edition', children=Edition, parents=[self] + self.parents ) self.__translations = xpathDict( xml=self.xml, xpath='ti:translation', children=Translation, parents=[self] + self.parents ) self.texts = collections.defaultdict(Text) for urn in self.__editions: self.texts[urn] = self.__editions[urn] for urn in self.__translations: self.texts[urn] = self.__translations[urn] return self.texts
[docs]class TextGroup(inventory.TextGroup): """ Represents a CTS Textgroup in XML .. automethod:: __str__ """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(TextGroup, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __str__(self): """ Print the xml of the text group :rtype: basestring :returns: XML representation of the textgroup """ strings = [] if self.urn is not None: strings.append("<ti:textgroup urn='{0}' xmlns:ti=''>".format(self.urn)) else: strings.append("<ti:textgroup xmlns:ti=''>") for tag, metadatum in self.metadata: for lang, value in metadatum: strings.append("<ti:{tag} xml:lang='{lang}'>{value}</ti:{tag}>".format(tag=tag, lang=lang, value=value)) for urn in strings.append(str([urn])) strings.append("</ti:textgroup>") return "".join(strings)
[docs] def export(self, output="xml"): """ Create a {format} version of the TextInventory :param output: Format to be chosen (Only XML for now) :type output: basestring :rtype: lxml.etree._Element :returns: XML representation of the object """ return xmlparser(str(self))
[docs] def parse(self, resource): """ Parse a resource :param resource: Element rerpresenting the textgroup :param type: basestring, etree._Element """ self.xml = xmlparser(resource) for child in self.xml.xpath("ti:groupname", namespaces=NS): lg = child.get("{}lang") if lg is not None: self.metadata["groupname"][lg] = child.text = xpathDict( xml=self.xml, xpath='ti:work', children=Work, parents=[self] + self.parents ) return
[docs]class TextInventory(inventory.TextInventory): """ Represents a CTS Inventory file .. automethod:: __str__ """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(TextInventory, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __str__(self): """ Print the xml of the textinventory :rtype: basestring :returns: XML representation of the textinventory """ strings = [] if is not None: strings.append("<ti:TextInventory tiid='{0}' xmlns:ti=''>".format( else: strings.append("<ti:TextInventory xmlns:ti=''>") for urn in self.textgroups: strings.append(str(self.textgroups[urn])) strings.append("</ti:TextInventory>") return "".join(strings)
[docs] def export(self, output="xml"): """ Create a {output} version of the TextInventory :param output: output to be chosen (Only XML for now) :type output: basestring :rtype: lxml.etree._Element :returns: XML representation of the object """ return xmlparser(str(self))
[docs] def parse(self, resource): """ Parse a resource :param resource: Element representing the text inventory :param type: basestring, etree._Element """ self.xml = xmlparser(resource) self.textgroups = xpathDict( xml=self.xml, xpath='//ti:textgroup', children=TextGroup, parents=[self] ) return self.textgroups