Source code for MyCapytain.common.reference

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: MyCapytain.common.reference
   :synopsis: URN related objects

.. moduleauthor:: Thibault Clérice <>

>>> from MyCapytain.common.reference import (URN, Reference, Citation)

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from collections import defaultdict
from past.builtins import basestring
from builtins import range, object
import re

REFSDECL_SPLITTER = re.compile("/+[\*()|\sa-zA-Z0-9:\[\]@=\\\{\$'\"\.\s]+")
REFSDECL_REPLACER = re.compile("\$[0-9]+")
SUBREFERENCE = re.compile("(\w*)\[{0,1}([0-9]*)\]{0,1}", re.UNICODE)
REFERENCE_REPLACER = re.compile("(@[a-zA-Z0-9:]+){1}(=){1}([\\\$'\"?0-9]{3,6})")

[docs]class Reference(object): """ A reference object giving informations :param reference: Passage Reference part of a Urn :type reference: basestring :Example: >>> a = Reference(reference="1.1@Achiles[1]-1.2@Zeus[1]") >>> b = Reference(reference="1.1") .. automethod:: __str__ .. automethod:: __eq__ .. automethod:: __getitem__ .. automethod:: __setitem__ """ def __init__(self, reference): self.reference = reference self.parsed = self.__parse(reference)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Equality checker for Reference object :param other: An object to be checked against :rtype: boolean :returns: Equality between other and self :Example: >>> a = Reference(reference="1.1@Achiles[1]-1.2@Zeus[1]") >>> b = Reference(reference="1.1") >>> c = Reference(reference="1.1") >>> (a == b) == False >>> (c == b) == True """ return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.reference == str(other))
@property def parent(self): """ :return: """ if len(self.parsed[0][1]) == 1 and len(self.parsed[1][1]) <= 1: return None else: if len(self.parsed[0][1]) > 1 and len(self.parsed[1][1]) == 0: return "{0}{1}".format( ".".join(list(self.parsed[0][1])[0:-1]), self.parsed[0][3] or "" ) elif len(self.parsed[0][1]) > 1 and len(self.parsed[1][1]) > 1: first = list(self.parsed[0][1])[0:-1] last = list(self.parsed[1][1])[0:-1] if first == last and self.parsed[1][3] is None \ and self.parsed[0][3] is None: return ".".join(first) else: return "{0}{1}-{2}{3}".format( ".".join(first), self.parsed[0][3] or "", ".".join(list(self.parsed[1][1])[0:-1]), self.parsed[1][3] or "" )
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Return full reference in string format :rtype: basestring :returns: String representation of Reference Object :Example: >>> a = Reference(reference="1.1@Achiles[1]-1.2@Zeus[1]") >>> b = Reference(reference="1.1") >>> str(a) == "1.1@Achiles[1]-1.2@Zeus[1]" >>> str(b) == "1.1" """ return self.reference
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Return part of or full passage reference Available keys : - *1 | start* : First part of the reference - *2 | start_list* : Reference start parsed into a list - *3 | start_sub* : Subreference start parsed into a tuple - *4 | end* : Last part of the reference - *5 | end_list* : Reference start parsed into a list - *6 | end_sub* : Subreference end parsed into a tuple - *default* : full string reference :param key: Identifier of the part to return :type key: basestring or int :rtype: basestring or List.<int> or None or Tuple.<string> :returns: Desired part of the passage reference :Example: >>> a = Reference(reference="1.1@Achiles[1]-1.2@Zeus[1]") >>> print(a[1]) # "1.1@Achiles[1]" >>> print(a["start_list"]) # ("1", "1") >>> print(a[6]) # ("Zeus", "1") >>> print(a[7]) # "1.1@Achiles[1]-1.2@Zeus[1]" """ if key == 1 or key == "start": return self.parsed[0][0] elif key == 4 or key == "end": return self.parsed[1][0] elif key == 2 or key == "start_list": return self.parsed[0][1] elif key == 5 or key == "end_list": return self.parsed[1][1] elif key == 3 or key == "start_sub": return self.parsed[0][2] elif key == 6 or key == "end_sub": return self.parsed[1][2] else: return self.reference
def __model(self): """ 3-Tuple model for references First element is full text reference, Second is list of passage identifiers Third is subreference :rtype: Tuple :returns: An empty tuple to model data """ return [None, [], None, None] def __regexp(self, subreference): """ Split components of subreference :param subreference: A subreference :type subreference: basestring :rtype: List.<Tuple> :returns: List where first element is a tuple representing different components """ return SUBREFERENCE.findall(subreference)[0] def __parse(self, reference): """ Parse references informations """ ref = reference.split("-") element = [self.__model(), self.__model()] for i in range(0, len(ref)): r = ref[i] element[i][0] = r subreference = r.split("@") if len(subreference) == 2: element[i][2] = self.__regexp(subreference[1]) element[i][3] = "@" + subreference[1] r = subreference[0] element[i][1] = r.split(".") element[i] = tuple(element[i]) return tuple(element)
[docs]class URN(object): """ A URN object giving all useful sections :param urn: A CTS URN :type urn: basestring :Example: >>> a = URN(urn="urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002.perseus-lat2:1.1") .. automethod:: __len__ .. automethod:: __gt__ .. automethod:: __lt__ .. automethod:: __eq__ .. automethod:: __str__ .. automethod:: __getitem__ """ __order = [ "full", "urn_namespace", "cts_namespace", "textgroup", "work", "text", "passage", "reference" # Reference is a more complex object ] def __init__(self, urn): self.urn = urn self.parsed = self.__parse(self.urn)
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Returns the len of the URN :rtype: int :returns: Length of the URN .. warning:: Does not take into account the passage ! :Example: >>> a = URN(urn="urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002.perseus-lat2:1.1") >>> print(len(a)) # """ items = [key for key in self.parsed if key not in ["passage", "reference", "full"] ] return len(items)
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): """ Allows for greater comparison :param other: Comparison object :type other: URN :rtype: boolean :returns: Indicator of bigger size .. warning:: Does not take into account the passage ! :Example: >>> a = URN(urn="urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002.perseus-lat2:1.1") >>> b = URN(urn="urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002:1.1") >>> (a > b) == True # """ return len(self) > len(other)
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """ Allows for lower comparison :param other: Comparison object :type other: URN :rtype: boolean :returns: Indicator of lower size .. warning:: Does not take into account the passage ! :Example: >>> a = URN(urn="urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002.perseus-lat2:1.1") >>> b = URN(urn="urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002:1.1") >>> (b < a) == True # """ return len(self) < len(other)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Equality checker for URN object :param other: An object to be checked against :type other: URN :rtype: boolean :returns: Equality between other and self :Example: >>> a = URN(urn="urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002.perseus-lat2:1.1") >>> b = URN(urn="urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002:1.1") >>> (b == a) == False # """ return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.parsed["full"] == other["full"])
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Return full initial urn :rtype: basestring :returns: String representation of URN Object :Example: >>> a = URN(urn="urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002.perseus-lat2:1.1") >>> str(a) == "urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002.perseus-lat2:1.1" """ return self.urn
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Returns the urn (int) level or up to (str) level. Available keys : - *0* : URN - *full* : URN - *1* : Namespace of the urn (cts) - *urn_namespace* : URN until the Namespace of the urn - *2* : CTS Namespace of the URN (e.g. latinLit) - *cts_namespace* : URN until the CTS Namespace - *3* : Textgroup of the URN - *textgroup* : URN until the Textgroup - *4* : Work of the URN - *work* : URN until the Work - *5* : Text of the URN - *text* : URN until the Text - *6* or *passage*: Passage of URN :param key: Identifier of the wished resource :type key: int or basestring :rtype: basestring or Reference :returns: Part or complete URN :warning: *urn:* is not counted as an element ! :Example: >>> a = URN(urn="urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002.perseus-lat2:1.1") >>> a["textgroup"] == "urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294" >>> a[3] == "phi1294 """ if isinstance(key, int) and key < len(URN.__order): return self.parsed[URN.__order[key]] elif key == "urn_namespace": return ":".join(["urn", self.parsed["urn_namespace"]]) elif key == "cts_namespace": return ":".join([ "urn", self.parsed["urn_namespace"], self.parsed["cts_namespace"]]) elif key == "textgroup" and "textgroup" in self.parsed: return ":".join([ "urn", self.parsed["urn_namespace"], self.parsed["cts_namespace"], self.parsed["textgroup"] ]) elif key == "work" and "work" in self.parsed: return ":".join([ "urn", self.parsed["urn_namespace"], self.parsed["cts_namespace"], ".".join( [ self.parsed["textgroup"], self.parsed["work"] ]) ]) elif key == "text" and "text" in self.parsed: return ":".join([ "urn", self.parsed["urn_namespace"], self.parsed["cts_namespace"], ".".join( [ self.parsed["textgroup"], self.parsed["work"], self.parsed["text"] ]) ]) elif key == "passage" and "passage" in self.parsed: if "text" in self.parsed: return ":".join([ "urn", self.parsed["urn_namespace"], self.parsed["cts_namespace"], ".".join( [ self.parsed["textgroup"], self.parsed["work"], self.parsed["text"] ]), self.parsed["passage"] ]) else: return ":".join([ "urn", self.parsed["urn_namespace"], self.parsed["cts_namespace"], ".".join( [ self.parsed["textgroup"], self.parsed["work"] ]), self.parsed["passage"] ]) elif key == "start" and "passage" in self.parsed: if "text" in self.parsed: return ":".join([ "urn", self.parsed["urn_namespace"], self.parsed["cts_namespace"], ".".join( [ self.parsed["textgroup"], self.parsed["work"], self.parsed["text"] ]), self.parsed["reference"]["start"] ]) else: return ":".join([ "urn", self.parsed["urn_namespace"], self.parsed["cts_namespace"], ".".join( [ self.parsed["textgroup"], self.parsed["work"] ]), self.parsed["reference"]["start"] ]) elif key == "end" and "passage" in self.parsed and self.parsed["reference"]["end"] is not None: if "text" in self.parsed: return ":".join([ "urn", self.parsed["urn_namespace"], self.parsed["cts_namespace"], ".".join([ self.parsed["textgroup"], self.parsed["work"], self.parsed["text"] ]), self.parsed["reference"]["end"] ]) else: return ":".join([ "urn", self.parsed["urn_namespace"], self.parsed["cts_namespace"], ".".join([ self.parsed["textgroup"], self.parsed["work"] ]), self.parsed["reference"]["end"] ]) elif key == "full": return self.parsed["full"] elif key == "reference" and "reference" in self.parsed: return self.parsed["reference"] else: return None
def __parse(self, urn): """ Parse a URN :param urn: A URN:CTS :type urn: basestring :rtype: defaultdict.basestring :returns: Dictionary representation """ parsed = defaultdict(str) parsed["full"] = urn.split("#")[0] urn = parsed["full"].split(":") if isinstance(urn, list) and len(urn) > 2: parsed["urn_namespace"] = urn[1] parsed["cts_namespace"] = urn[2] if len(urn) == 5: parsed["passage"] = urn[4] parsed["reference"] = Reference(urn[4]) if len(urn) >= 4: urn = urn[3].split(".") if len(urn) >= 1: parsed["textgroup"] = urn[0] if len(urn) >= 2: parsed["work"] = urn[1] if len(urn) >= 3: parsed["text"] = urn[2] else: raise ValueError("URN is empty") return parsed
[docs]class Citation(object): """ A citation object gives informations about the scheme :param name: Name of the citation (e.g. "book") :type name: basestring :param xpath: Xpath of the citation (As described by CTS norm) :type xpath: basestring :param scope: Scope of the citation (As described by CTS norm) :type xpath: basestring :param refsDecl: refsDecl version :type refsDecl: basestring :param child: A citation :type child: Citation .. automethod:: __iter__ .. automethod:: __len__ """ def __init__(self, name=None, xpath=None, scope=None, refsDecl=None, child=None): """ Initialize a Citation object """ self.__name = None self.__xpath = None self.__scope = None self.__refsDecl = None self.__child = None = name self.scope = scope self.xpath = xpath self.refsDecl = refsDecl if child is not None: self.child = child @property def name(self): """ Type of the citation represented :type: basestring :Example: Book, Chapter, Textpart, Section, Poem... """ return self.__name @name.setter def name(self, val): self.__name = val @property def xpath(self): """ TextInventory xpath property of a citation (ie. identifier of the last element of the citation) :type: basestring :Example: //tei:l[@n="?"] """ return self.__xpath @xpath.setter def xpath(self, val): if val is not None: self.__xpath = val self.__upRefsDecl() @property def scope(self): """ TextInventory scope property of a citation (ie. identifier of all element but the last of the citation) :type: basestring :Example: /tei:TEI/tei:text/tei:body/tei:div """ return self.__scope @scope.setter def scope(self, val): if val is not None: self.__scope = val self.__upRefsDecl() @property def refsDecl(self): """ ResfDecl expression of the citation scheme :type: basestring :Example: /tei:TEI/tei:text/tei:body/tei:div//tei:l[@n='$1'] """ return self.__refsDecl @refsDecl.setter def refsDecl(self, val): if val is not None: self.__refsDecl = val self.__upXpathScope() @property def child(self): """ Child of a citation :type: Citation or None :Example: would have a child """ return self.__child @child.setter def child(self, val): if isinstance(val, self.__class__): self.__child = val def __upXpathScope(self): """ Update xpath and scope property when refsDecl is updated """ rd = self.__refsDecl matches = REFSDECL_SPLITTER.findall(rd) self.__scope = REFSDECL_REPLACER.sub("?", "".join(matches[0:-1])) self.__xpath = REFSDECL_REPLACER.sub("?", matches[-1]) def __upRefsDecl(self): """ Update xpath and scope property when refsDecl is updated """ if self.__scope is not None and self.__xpath is not None: xpath = self.__scope + self.__xpath i = xpath.find("?") ii = 1 while i >= 0: xpath = xpath[:i] + "$" + str(ii) + xpath[i+1:] i = xpath.find("?") ii += 1 self.__refsDecl = xpath
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Iteration method Loop over the citation childs :Example: >>> c = Citation(name="line") >>> b = Citation(name="poem", child=c) >>> a = Citation(name="book", child=b) >>> [e for e in a] == [a, b, c] """ e = self while e is not None: yield e if hasattr(e, "child") and e.child is not None: e = e.child else: break
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Length method :rtype: int :returns: Number of nested citations """ return len([item for item in self])
[docs] def fill(self, passage=None, xpath=None): """ Fill the xpath with given informations :param passage: Passage reference :type passage: Reference or lsit :param xpath: If set to True, will return the replaced self.xpath value and not the whole self.refsDecl :type xpath: Boolean :rtype: basestring :returns: Xpath to find the passage """ if xpath is True: # Then passage is a string or None xpath = self.xpath if passage is None: replacement = r"\1" elif isinstance(passage, basestring): replacement = r"\1\2'" + passage + "'" return REFERENCE_REPLACER.sub(replacement, xpath) else: if isinstance(passage, Reference): passage = passage[2] passage = iter(passage) return REFERENCE_REPLACER.sub( lambda m: REF_REPLACER(m, passage), self.refsDecl )
[docs]def REF_REPLACER(match, passage): """ Helper to replace xpath/scope/refsDecl on iteration with passage value :param match: A RegExp match :type match: re.SRE_MATCH :param passage: A list with subreference informations :type passage: iter :rtype: basestring :return: Replaced string """ groups = match.groups() ref = next(passage) if ref is None: return groups[0] else: return "{1}='{0}'".format(ref, groups[0])