Source code for MyCapytain.endpoints.cts5

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: MyCapytain.endpoints.cts5
   :synopsis: CTS5 endpoint implementation

.. moduleauthor:: Thibault Clérice <>

import MyCapytain.endpoints.proto
import requests

[docs]class CTS(MyCapytain.endpoints.proto.CTS): """ Basic integration of the MyCapytain.endpoints.proto.CTS abstraction """
[docs] def call(self, parameters): """ Call an endpoint given the parameters :param parameters: Dictionary of parameters :type parameters: dict :rtype: text """ # DEV ! parameters = { key: str(parameters[key]) for key in parameters if parameters[key] is not None } request = requests.get(self.endpoint, params=parameters) return request.text
[docs] def getCapabilities(self, inventory=None): """ Retrieve the inventory information of an API :param inventory: Name of the inventory :type inventory: text :rtype: str """ return{ "inv": inventory, "request": "GetCapabilities" })
[docs] def getValidReff(self, urn, inventory=None, level=None): """ Retrieve valid urn-references for a text :param urn: URN identifying the text :type urn: text :param inventory: Name of the inventory :type inventory: text :param level: Depth of references expected :type level: int :rtype: str """ return{ "inv": inventory, "urn": urn, "level": level, "request": "GetValidReff" })
[docs] def getFirstUrn(self, urn, inventory=None): """ Retrieve the first passage urn of a text :param urn: URN identifying the text :type urn: text :param inventory: Name of the inventory :type inventory: text :rtype: str """ return{ "inv": inventory, "urn": urn, "request": "GetFirstUrn" })
[docs] def getPrevNextUrn(self, urn, inventory=None): """ Retrieve the previous and next passage urn of one passage :param urn: URN identifying the text's passage (Minimum depth : 1) :type urn: text :param inventory: Name of the inventory :type inventory: text :rtype: str """ return{ "inv": inventory, "urn": urn, "request": "GetPrevNextUrn" })
[docs] def getLabel(self, urn, inventory=None): """ Retrieve informations about a CTS Urn :param urn: URN identifying the text's passage (Minimum depth : 1) :type urn: text :param inventory: Name of the inventory :type inventory: text :rtype: str """ return{ "inv": inventory, "urn": urn, "request": "GetLabel" })
[docs] def getPassage(self, urn, inventory=None, context=None): """ Retrieve a passage :param urn: URN identifying the text's passage (Minimum depth : 1) :type urn: text :param inventory: Name of the inventory :type inventory: text :param context: Number of citation units at the same level of the citation hierarchy as the requested urn, immediately preceding and immediately following the requested urn to include in the reply :type context: int :rtype: str """ return{ "inv": inventory, "urn": urn, "context": context, "request": "GetPassage" })
[docs] def getPassagePlus(self, urn, inventory=None, context=None): """ Retrieve a passage and informations about it :param urn: URN identifying the text's passage (Minimum depth : 1) :type urn: text :param inventory: Name of the inventory :type inventory: text :param context: Number of citation units at the same level of the citation hierarchy as the requested urn, immediately preceding and immediately following the requested urn to include in the reply :type context: int :rtype: str """ return{ "inv": inventory, "urn": urn, "context": context, "request": "GetPassagePlus" })